Be As Thou Art
by Jeanette French
Buy the Original Painting
18.000 x 24.000 inches
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Be As Thou Art
Jeanette French
Painting - Mixed Media
Be As Thou Art is one of a series of mystical, metaphysical paintings that are the result of a spiritual, inner world journey to hope, love and freedom. The Divine feminine calling forth manifestation from the void of creation is the symbolic intent in this mixed media painting.
Ancient wisdom says that when we connect with Nature, we also connect with each other, with inspiration, beauty, gratitude, love, joy and hope. When we connect with nature, we connect more deeply and harmoniously with the great natural rhythms that lead to a balanced life. When we connect with Nature, we honor ourselves and we begin to see with the eyes of our souls. When we connect with Nature, we find our own path to Spirit.
A spiritual worldview is an ever deepening conscious connection to all of Life, from cells to planets, in attunement with the great natural rhythms of Nature and Spirit, free to contribute fully from Purpose. Spirituality, as used here, is described by the Dalai Llama as corresponding to the development of the highest human qualities, such as love, compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness and altruism. These are inner qualities and are the source of happiness for oneself and for others, independent of any specific religious system of beliefs.
Surprisingly, there is a definition of spirituality from the Surgeon General of the United States that is that spirituality is the vital center of the person, which is sacred. Another definition comes from the Benedictine Monk Brother David Steindl-Rast. He says that spirituality is super-aliveness, the breath of all creation. We are spiritual when we are alive on every level and are fully spiritual when we come alive on the highest level of caring for one another and for the planet.
The development of a Spiritual worldview is supported by the teleogical process, which means pulled forward by the end state versus being pushed from beyond by evolution over time. In this way of thinking, infinity, already present and latent, is progressively revealed, similar to glimpses of eternity revealed in the inner vision of mystics. In this way consciousness awakens and remembers its full potential.
Jeanette French, paintings, photographs, canvas prints framed prints, metallic prints, acrylic prints, greeting cards, gift cards, fine art.
Creating portals of light, love, joy, beauty, compassion, hope and gratitude is my lifelong passion and gift for the earth, hence the name of my art business, For the Earth. My mother painted in oils when I was young and encouraged my own drawing, painting and handcrafting in all forms. My father, the photographer, gave me my first camera at age 8. As a result of these loving influences, I am a lifelong student of both mediums. I am grateful to my wonderful Pacific NW painter teachers, Stan Capon and Edi Olson, for training my eye and technique. I hope you will enjoy this image as much as I enjoyed its creation. More gifts for the earth can be found at these websites: and
November 25th, 2012