Fly, Butterfly
by Jeanette French
Buy the Original Painting
9.500 x 6.250 x 1.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Jeanette French Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Fly, Butterfly
Jeanette French
Painting - Acrylic On Wood
The finished Fly Butterfly image is a painting on a wood block. The painting originated with layers of doodles and other marks with various tools, including brushes and paint, colored pens, ink and pointed tools to scratch the surface. The butterfly image was then pulled to the fore with negative painting and outlining, so fun.
So, the style of this painting is so appropriate for a butterfly image, given that the butterfly has long represented transmutation, transformation, and joy. There are four stages of change for butterfly metamorphosis, egg, larvae, caterpillar, and the colorful butterfly. Butterflies awaken a sense of lightness and joy and remind us to make changes when opportunities present themselves.
Jeanette French, paintings, photographs, canvas prints, framed prints, metallic prints, acrylic prints, greeting cards, gift cards, fine art.
March 14th, 2021