Tidal Area
by Jeanette French
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 14.000 inches
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Tidal Area
Jeanette French
Painting - Cold Wax And Oil Painting
Tidal Area is a cold wax and oil painting on oil paper. It evokes the low light of late afternoon sparkling in the marshy shallows. The ebbing tide reveals tide pools and sea foam on rocky shelves and marsh grasses softening the sand.
The beach is the shoreline at the edge of a body of water. The landform of the beach is often composed of loose particles like sand, pebbles, shells and shell fragments, the result of the endless deposit and scouring actions of wave and current.
The agitation of seawater by wind and weather creates sea foam, sometimes known as spume. In big storms there can be a breaking up of algae blooms. As the big breaker waves churn along the shoreline, this dissolved organic matter acts as a foaming agent or surfactant, supporting the formation of bubbles that stick together through surface tension.
Jeanette French, paintings, photographs, canvas prints framed prints, metallic prints, acrylic prints, greeting cards, gift cards, fine art. jeanette-french.artistwebsites.com and jeanette-french.pixels.com.
Creating portals of light, love, joy, beauty, compassion, hope and gratitude is my lifelong passion and gift for the earth, hence the name of my art business, For the Earth. My mother painted in oils when I was young and encouraged my own drawing, painting and handcrafting in all forms. My father, the photographer, gave me my first camera at age 8. As a result of these loving influences, I am a lifelong student of both mediums. I am grateful to my wonderful Pacific NW painter teachers, Stan Capon and Edi Olson, for training my eye and technique. I hope you will enjoy this image as much as I enjoyed its creation. More gifts for the earth can be found at these websites: jeanette-french.artistwebsites.com and jeanette-french.pixels.com.
November 1st, 2021